Like usual before I saw the movie, I read the script. Now let me say that when I read this script, I was blown away. It was like reading the Matrix for the first time (just not as symbolic). I remember turning the page, waiting to see what Gerard Butler's character Clive, would do next....The movie was not that way for me.
Now a lot of the time when I talk with people they say, "you ruined it for yourself, you read the thing so you know what was going to happen!". And I always simply respond by telling them that by the time the script hits the screen, the version that I read is long gone.
Now for this script in particular they cut out several scenes that I thought were the coolest. I won't say which ones (cough cough, Jamie Fox's boss being killed, cough cough) and that kind of ruined the movie for me. When I read the script it was one of those 1 in 20 where you hooked from beginning to end and you just cant put it down. For me, the movie started to become a bore close to the middle of the second act.
I will admit that when the Judge is killed it shook me. I completely forgot about that and the second it happened I literally jumped (as did most of you).
Some of the things that I loved from script to screen were the gadgets Clive used. It was brilliant the way Kurt Wimmer (writer) researched these things and was able to incorporate them into the film. That is why I go to see movies, to learn about things I never knew existed. Like that killing neck tie they mention, that's just brilliant! Although in the script they have Jamie Fox's character come home and start cutting all his ties which was hilarious, but they cut that.
I have to give credit t the special and visual effects teams on that last scene when Clive is blown up, that was one of the coolest shots as the flames just engulf him. That's up there along with the Matrix bullet dodge scene for me.
Overall the movie was good and I can see why so many people liked it. For me it got hard to believe this guy had that much hate over ten years to do all this. But then you can argue that his family is killed and that would stick with anyone. In the end I felt that if can feel for Gerard Butler and not make him out to be the bad guy, then you're hooked.
For me Gerard Butler went from the good helpless father to the bad ruthless killer, making me lose empathy for him. But that's just me. Overall it was good.
*** 3 out of 5.
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