Here is an interview with actor Jason Cope. You may know him from District 9 where acted out all the aliens. David was nice enough to answer a few questions for me about District 9 and what is what like working with first time director Neill Blomkamp. If you're an aspiring actor, writer, or director, READ THIS. Enjoy!
MM49: How did you get into acting? Lifelong dream? Friends?
JC: I've always been around either film or theatre - my mother worked as a scenic artist for the theatre when I was small. Show business feels like my home; where I belong. I've worked in a lot of different capacities: from doing stand-up to being a production manager. I've always felt fairly restless, and this has caused me move around, in and out of different departments. In the end I've just sort of drifted into acting, which I've been for a few years now.
MM49: What was it like getting to work on District 9?
JC: Fantastic.
MM49: What was it like playing a mostly computer generated character? Is it harder acting like that? Easier?
JC: It was pretty strange at first; there's a lot of different stuff to think about. I spent a lot of time talking to the VFX guys as well as the director. You have this vast array of talented people working on the aliens, so you fell the pressure. In the end it was all very rewarding.
MM49: What attracted you to District 9? The script? And if the script, what about it?
JC: Well, I got to work with people that I respect and get along well with. Yes, the script was great too. From a South African perspective, it was the first time we would get to make a fully-fledged action film set in our own reality. The idea was intoxicating.
MM49: What was it like working with a first time director like Neill Blomkamp? How do you feel he compares to others out there?
JC: Neill was great to work with, very focused and good at pressure. He'll compares favourably.
MM49: When did you get your "break" in the industry? When was that moment when you said, "hey, I'm in the big leagues now."
JC: Um, i've never felt that... i've spent most of my career doing obscure late night tv shows for african television. D9 was a bit like being let out on parole for while.
MM49: Did you ever go to acting school? Take an acting class?
JC: No.
MM49: Writers often ask actors opinions and takes on a script. Sometimes even collaborating on the work. Did any of that take place during production of District 9?
JC: Neill encouraged us to be very creative. We'd often rework entire scenes. At the same time, he would only let us do this if he felt we were improving our characters. If we spent ages barking up the wrong tree, he'd cut us short and suggest a new path for us.
MM49: What's next for you?
JC: Not sure, I've just finished a small film called spud with John Cleese.
MM49: Any last words for aspiring actors, writers, directors?
JC: Find people you want to work with. Stick together. Work very, very hard.
Well there you have it. I hope you enjoyed!