
Bringing you movie reviews, scripts, and everything else that has to do with Film and Television!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Here is the script for Men in Black 3. Enjoy!



  1. Has a bit of a BACK TO THE FUTURE feel to it. Also has a really unique antagonist (it's one of those "why didn't I think of that" moments when you discover what he really is).

  2. Was it as good as the first one? That one was the best in my opinion. They kinda went far out with the second and I wasnt too crazy about it.

  3. No, not as good as the first (in my opinion). But I read that David Koepp is currently rewriting it (and it's going to be in 3D as well).

  4. The 3D thing is starting to become very overated in my opinion now. Everything is in 3D now a days. I don't think INCEPTION is and I'm so happy bout that. As for Koepp he's a script docting king. Makes bank too. It's beween 200,00 and 350,000 for him to doctor something and he works for 2 weeks.

  5. The last 3D movie I saw was AVATAR (which is what started this whole 3D thing in the first place). I thought it was done well (didn't care for the story all that much). I think for the most part it's a money grab.

  6. I was the same way with the story of AVATAR. I wasn't crazy about the 3D though. It was a a waste of money in my opinion. I've given up on 3D.

  7. Your gonna get in trouble for posting/linking this. Sony lawyer's are gonna be a'callin' you!

    Good on ya, though for posting this!

  8. I'll take it down if they do. The blog is pretty small from what I can tell, I don't know if it's on anyones radar.

  9. I don't see why you'd be a threat to Sony. Keep up the good work!

    I wasn't even aware that there was another MIB in line. Are the original actors attached?

  10. the fact that I spread the script to aspring writers before the film is released usually causes them to freak because they dont want their "product" out before it is completed. As for the cat it seems all the originals are still in it and I believe it is in pre-production now. It is getting rewritten by David Koepp I heard though, so we'll see how similar this is to the final product.
