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Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Here is a couple of episodes from the Sopranos that I have. Enjoy!







  1. So have you finished watching all eight seasons of 24 yet?

  2. Haha almost. I'm about a quarter through 7 now, but eight isn't out yet (damn it!) so I'm trying to take my time on seven only because I feel like such a good thing is so close to the end now lol but I also started watching Arrested Development, another show which was cut short. I love it!

  3. Damn, that's right, season eight just ended. Hopefully they won't wait too long before releasing it.

    RE: Arrested Development -- that's another one of my favorites (critics loved it but no one watched it -- I think the humor went over a lot of people's heads).

    One of my favorite lines was when Jason Bateman was moving away and he tells his family, "Okay, see you when the first parent dies."

  4. Yea I'm truly surprised they canceled that show it is so funny. Even the humor I would think people would get but I guess not. Now the movies been in development hell ever since the series got canceled but it seems that it's starting to make progress so we'll see.

    Fox has had it's good hits like these two shows, family guy... but lately I feel like they've been a dud. I mean that show Human target? Really? Come on. You can't use a show like that to try and replace 24. At least that's my opinion.

  5. The only thing I like about Human Target is Jackie Earle Haley's character, "Guerrero." Personally, I think he should be the star of that show.

    RE: Arrested Development -- yeah, maybe it wasn't the fact the humor went over people's heads so much as the fact that it was dry (which I prefer).

  6. Yea. I hadnt seen arrest development when it was on tv but now that Im watching it i regret not seeing it on the tube. It is such a good show.

  7. Sir, I need the script for KILL BILL
